The 2 freelancing websites freelancer and fiverr where i personal created account and after getting tired there i have finally decided to create my on portfolio web design Dubai.
Are you curious to know what is the easiest way to earn 100% all for your self and do not pay others on the name of services charges, commission charges, card confirmation charges, bids buying package etc
Before i go through that i will mention if there is a need of freelancing site then the only one is fiverr, this freelancing website is going to be the one you will love if you have not used any of the freelancing site then you can not differentiate it.
However freelancer is a site where you may find more clients than any other freelancing website, this is something gives you hope and makes you excited to stay for a bit longer so that you keep trying, until you finish your bids
Its quite simple if you make thing easy for people, if you do not make them feel you interrogate them when you do not piss them off for their own money and when you make the things match 21st century, if i add by saying when you trust people and oblige them by your behavior, they compliment you. if you remember these words let me add after all people go there for money, and projects on are posted like anything
In the freelancing online world freelancer is also one of the reliable platform where you may find highly professional and talented freelancers.
It brings you very smoothly step by step and you do it your self with no complication, the best fun is when you apply for online test, its really a good fun and makes you realize that how exams were when we were students:D
things might be similar to some other sites but i claim, i have never seen a freelancing website where projects are posted in such speed and numbers, If you are a true talented professional, you will earn money there like anything.
Freelancer's website image
Having said that freelancer was one of my best experience i would further like to tell you about the freelancers there or in any freelancing site.
The price matters ! if it really matters to you then my opinion is that ! its expensive on these sites but this is something from freelancers not from the website, i have observed that the freelancers there think of the 20% services fee.
Therefore when they put there charges button on, they earn 20% extra from you just because they do not want to pay from there earning.
However this might not be strange as its a universal rule that at the end " end user pays " for all the marketing cost, services cost, fees and many other things.
As an example i would like to share with you that i am a business professional too and i have worked closely with cost and profit an loss management and i am confidently saying that you might know about.
When you see an ad of even a shampoo on your TV screen keep in mind that you gonna pay for it when you buy it.
But this is how the business world works its not negative, if you are selling something, you also gonna apply this rule and if you do not, then your business should not be a business its charity and i really admire you for being so nice.