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SEO | number 1 Free tool that helps you rank your website very fast

SEO| number 1 Free tool that helps you rank your website very fast

SEO dubai  !
Do you have any keyword in your mind to rank high for ? as I have in my wish list such as web design dubai and website design dubai ? do you want to know where my website is on google, how old is my domain and how can you do this to yours ?

Hello everyone I am a Dubai based web designing and digital marketing professional with years of experience and today I am going share with you.

How did you spent money on SEO tools and you could save that money because this tool was available for free which is more powerful than any other and it gives you 100% real picture of your website?

How is my website rank improving so fast with more than 7 keywords, which is just a 2 months old website?

I will make you access into google insight and show you every step google takes for your website.

At the end of this article I will share a link with you for all free tools/things online which can change your life

The SEO tool you pay for and it tells you about your website

There are many companies offer paid SEO tools which people use for keyword research, to see back links of their website and which shows you domain or page authority of your website etc.

When I see these tools it reminds me of Isaac newton’s law of gravitational attraction, which says he was sitting down of an apple tree, an apple falls down and he discovers this theory. That says the fact that all objects fall towards Earth at the same rate.

Regardless of their mass. For this to be true implies that the gravitational force etc. in common word, things fall down because there is attraction in earth. (attraction of gravity. 9.8m/s)

all though it’s something really amazing discovered by this scientist but I always wonder! What if newton was not set down of that tree, the apple would not fall down?

Confused? let me explain! when these tools were not available google was not ranking or indexing websites? of course google has been doing it, google was ranking websites, google was doing amazing but the difference is quite interesting.

The world had no alternative of newton’s therefore we admire him and admiring him does not cost us but we have an original or let’s say more powerful alternative of these SEO tools and these other tools cost us, SO choose the free and powerful tool.

“Let’s move on to the TOOL and understand it”

How does my website improves, the facts and basics

Google loves 3 things (i) good content (ii) site speed (iii) And the on page optimization, you must have good content and avoid copy paste or duplication I had done this mistake and google does not like lazy people who can not spend time on their own website, site speed is something which no one likes.

if I click on a site and it takes time to load I am not going to wait for it I can find more similar website for the same products or services I am looking for, you should really focus on basic and the first thing is how did you optimize your website, if you have given the message to google that you want your website rank high with this particular keyword then you are all set.

The free tool which make you access to google insight and show you everything about your website

There are 3 top search Engines Google, Yahoo and Bing however Google is number one and everyone when talks about search engine the first name comes in mind is ! “GOOGLE” but did you know google is not only indexing your website but it also helps you do best and bring the most out of it ? Well YES you go to google ads and you click on keyword planer to find your key words and get keywords ideas from google.


About the free tool which gives you all information about your website “Google Search Console

seo search console

Access to google and see what happens to your website by using search console

You can do following with this tool for free.

  • Submit a sitemap to make google crawl your website and understand what your site is about.
  • Inspect your url and check if all of your website’s pages are on google
  • Check how many links do you have and which pages are linked
  • You may find out what country did you targeted
  • Find out what page or link is not indexed and why?
  • Is your website mobile friendly or not?
  • If your website speed good enough or not?
  • How many times your website was thrown in results?
  • Find out country location, website clicks/traffic, get monthly reports
  • Google search console tells you overall average position of your site and individual page ranks with a particular keyword with how many clicks out of how many impressions.
  • Google search console can redirect you to check your website speed

If you are thinking that search console might be good enough but you do not have knowledge let me tell you they have many videos for you to teach you how it works and a community where you can raise any questions

Think for a while, you have a microwave oven which has a button to be pressed so it whistles when the dish is cooked.

Would you press that button when you want to cook or you will hire a person who goes and check for you after every 5 minutes if the dish is cooked or needs sometime?

If you know the position of your website page with a specific keyword, why do you need to know the domain authority?

based on my experience and I want you to try too, pick top three SEO tools and checkout your website DA and PA you will leave Google and start figuring out, why your website PA is shown 13 by one tool and 22 by another tool at the same day same time same website and believe me when you check on 3rd one that will be so caring, to make you smile it gives you DA score of 30.

SEO tools

Think logically! your website quality is not because of domain authority score, your domain authority score is because of your website quality.

Things to follow for ranking high on google:
  • Use google keywords planner to find the right keywords.
  • Write your own unique content and do not copy paste in areas such as meta descriptions.
  • Make sure your website loads fast
  • Register your website on Google search console.
  • Try to play around the console options.
  • Visit search console/google my business community and find out training videos
  • During this process whatever question comes up post it in community forum and get real ground applied answers worldwide
  • Monitor your site performance on search console.
  • And believe my words its easy to understand

 If you want to check out what other free stuff can be used for amazing changes click on free tools.

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