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How a website is an investment and you should earn from it 2 be #1

How a website is an investment and you should earn from it

web design dubai

Web design dubai
The strong believe and universally a very common sense of business is ! spending means investment and earning means profit, i am based in a very commercial market Dubai.

when this website was developed  2 months back https://www.prowebdesigndubai.com/ it was aimed to earn from it and  the objective is ! when someone types web designe dubai or website design dubai so that they see website in top results, hence a website developing for a business was aimed to earn.

Dubai is a hub of business and i believe from education to health everything is business here, it is so commercial but its not bad if you provide amazingly what you have, this is justifying your commercialism good enough.

Types of spends and the feeler it gives

  • Spend on your self
  • Spend on others
  • Spend on your business

If you spend on your self you enjoy it, if you spend on other you love it but if you spend on business you want it back but here is the thing sometimes we do not realize that there are many things where we spend and we forget the business rule of ROI we actually do not consider that as an investment.

As an example a company needs website once and a hosting yearly which is hardly 500 USD but what they usually do is, they will count this cost of 500 in expense and that's it, they never think that this website is not just a part of an expense sheet, its an actual investment which must be earning back.

I sometimes feel like we consider an amount as investment if its big otherwise we call it expense because somehow its in our mind, we think 5 millions can earn you 5000 but 5000 can not earn you 5 million, if its a huge investment you expect earning or else "NO" ? I do not agree because history has a victory of those who earned million from an idea which costed them nothing .

See how website can earn and what it does in compression to social media where we plan ROIs

facebook and instagram both together are having total users of more or less 140 millions this number is not exact as you might see 70 million for insta in one publication and 60 in another but if you take the maximum number of both and say 100 of each then it will be 200 millions.

Google alone is a search engine which has 67% of market share and it gives 5.57 billions impression everyday, if you break down in a simple way you will make keywords research and your business will have potential of 1000s of people.

If you spent money on your business website now its time to earn back, be on google first page and be visible online my business has keywords such as web design dubai and website design dubai or web design company dubai all these keywords are with minimum 1000 and maximum 10,000 search per month.

Lets count it this way ! if i have 5 keywords and they have minimum 5000 of searches per month and i just get 1 percent of that, i got 50 customers and if only 20 percent of them get on board and buy my services i am done

And What i need to do is ! just focus on my website SEO : https://moz.com/learn/seo/what-is-seo

This is how google, facebook and instagram are giving you business

When we promote business on social media we show ads to people even if they are not in need of that product but ranking on google when people search for business like you have, they actually want that particular product or services you sell.

Social media is cold calling where you get 1 YES out of 10 while google is like a retail shop where everyone steps for something in their mind, a shortcut of SEO is google ads.

Select your priority

You search for customers or let customers search you | Right position matters

Google market share 67%

Google per day impression 5.57 billions

Google tells you how people search when it comes to your business

google gives you space if you know how to stand there

5 things you must do before you plan your business profile to be online

We all know marketing is the key of business and in today's world online marketing is not just a part it became the only option to grow your business, hire a web design company in Dubai  

  • Make your website is presentable, add reviews of you customers with their website links.
  • Add descriptive product or services to you website.
  • Start google ads but plan SEO too.
  • Add what'sApp or live chat to communicate with your customers and manage inquires online
  • Call your customers to have some feedback, it gives you understanding to improve if customer is unhappy and confidence to deal with next customer if customers is happy.

If you are a business owner consider your business to be relaunched or expand online hire the right digital marketing agency Dubai and grow your business before its too late

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